Take a walk(short story-write by G)

occurrence of event The snow, which had been pouring down like heavy rain, stopped late at night. It is unprecedented to see such a heavy snowfall all over Seoul. Located in the first alley where the Muindong intersection begins, my house is always quiet because few people knew about it, and not many residents are living there. People are rare, but there are six lanes in front of the house, so sometimes it is very noisy because of cars. So it's not really a good environment to live in. I came out to walk over the snow. In the mirror at the elevator, I look like a fully armed general. My face looks as if my prime is gone. As I entered my late thirties and began to gain weight rapidly, a generous world that only the beauties could feel disappeared as if magic had been freed. I was not used to the indifference of the world, and gradually began to hide like a hermit. So, I only went to places where there were few people.I chose to move to this plac...