라벨이 novel인 게시물 표시

Take a walk(short story-write by G)

occurrence of event The snow, which had been pouring down like heavy rain, stopped late at night.  It is unprecedented to see such a heavy snowfall all over Seoul. Located in the first alley where the Muindong intersection begins, my house is always quiet because few people knew about it, and not many residents are living there. People are rare, but there are six lanes in front of the house, so sometimes it is very noisy because of cars. So it's not really a good environment to live in.   I came out to walk over the snow. In the mirror at the elevator, I look like a fully armed general. My face looks as if my prime is gone. As I entered my late thirties and began to gain weight rapidly, a generous world that only the beauties could feel disappeared as if magic had been freed. I was not used to the indifference of the world, and gradually began to hide like a hermit. So, I only went to places where there were few people.I chose to move to this place bec

the identify of the weather (short story-write by G)

the identify of the weather Winter has gone and spring has come, and we are about to move on to summer. I took out a cool dress and put it on.   People’s eyes are favorable. Now I feel like that it’s summer. From tomorrow, many people will wear cool dress like me. Suddenly, Yoon-sang and Min wondered. At the moment, I was at a loss whether to meet with Min first or Yoon Sang first. However, it was a little bit awkward for me to meet with the two of them. I made an appointment with Min first. Min looked as if he was trying to hide his happiness. I didn’t hear the details from her. She just said doing great. I felt as if I should no longer intervene between the two of them. I met Yoon Sang a few days later. The statue was relatively frank. He worried that his gender identity was becoming unclear. “There’s a bisexual.”   “At first, I thought so, too, but I’m not. I’m getting tired of men. Why did I do that? It’s a shame to do it. I can’t believe it. No way. I’v

All sorts of mornings are interesting

It was broad daylight when Anne awoke and sat up in bed, staring confusedly at the window through which a flood of cheery sinshine was pouring and outside of which something white and feathery waved across glimpses of blue sky. For a moment she could not remember where she was. First came a delightful thrill, as of something very pleasant; then a horrible remembrance. This was Green Gabled and they didn't want her because she wasn't a boy! But it was morning and, yes, it was a cherry tree in full bloom outside of her window. With a bound she was out of bed and across the floor. She pushed up the sash it went up stiffly and dreakily, as if it hadn't been opened for a long time, which was the case; and it stuck to tight that nothing was needed to hold it up.   Anne dropped on her knees and gazed out into the June morning, her eyes glistening with delight. Oh, wasn't it beautiful? Wasn't it a lovely place? Suppose she wasn't really going to stay here!